Re: Scott is Gay
PostedCOLON Wed Sep 07, 2011 7:08 pm
hockeysense wroteCOLONI'm re-reading all of Frank's posts in this thread and I'm 99% sure I just counted to potato.
AHAHAHAHAHA....soo good....Frank is that kid for sure.
The Ultimate Fantasy Hockey Experience
hockeysense wroteCOLONI'm re-reading all of Frank's posts in this thread and I'm 99% sure I just counted to potato.
hockeysense wroteCOLONI'm re-reading all of Frank's posts in this thread and I'm 99% sure I just counted to potato.
LOLThe Devil wroteCOLONROFLhockeysense wroteCOLONI'm re-reading all of Frank's posts in this thread and I'm 99% sure I just counted to potato.
fuck that shit never gets old LOLfedro91 wroteCOLONhockeysense wroteCOLONI'm re-reading all of Frank's posts in this thread and I'm 99% sure I just counted to potato.
I don't understad what your trying to say. I even ask Blues if he knew and told me he had no clue. I even went to translate it from english to french.
the sentence was; Je suis relu tous les messages de Frank dans ce fil et je suis sûr à 99% je viens de compter à la pomme de terre.
Now that's fuck. Even in french the sentence made no sense.
LOLOLOL so much better in French!!!fedro91 wroteCOLONhockeysense wroteCOLONI'm re-reading all of Frank's posts in this thread and I'm 99% sure I just counted to potato.
I don't understad what your trying to say. I even ask Blues if he knew and told me he had no clue. I even went to translate it from english to french.
the sentence was; Je suis relu tous les messages de Frank dans ce fil et je suis sûr à 99% je viens de compter à la pomme de terre.
Now that's fuck. Even in french the sentence made no sense.
anton wroteCOLONan apple of the earth
fedro91 wroteCOLONI know I'm special but I'm not a retard or handicap.anton wroteCOLONan apple of the earth
I knew by writting the last comment that alot of people would of said something. I really don't care what anyone think of since I'm all ready a fan of myself.hockeysense wroteCOLONfedro91 wroteCOLONI know I'm special but I'm not a retard or handicap.anton wroteCOLONan apple of the earth